The social consequences of the post-war period in the municipality of Vila Nova de Ourém (Portugal) – 1919-1925

Keywords: crisis, society, post-World War, Vila Nova de Ourém, Portugal


The municipality of Vila Nova de Ourém (Portugal), markedly rural, suffered severely from the impact of the post-World War I period. This period immediately following the end of the world conflict was characterised by the brutal increase in the prices of basic necessities. On a social level, it had dire consequences for oureense society. The City Council, by granting subsistence allowances; private individuals, providing food, clothing and money; and St Augustine’s Hospital did what they could to help the poorest. Also, the population emigrated to Brazil and France to improve their living conditions. However, emigration was an economic inconvenience, as there was insufficient labour to work in the fields. The low wages motivated the emigration wave, but from 1925 onwards, unemployment became a reality, and the Municipality invested in the construction of public works to alleviate the labour crisis.


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Author Biography

Fábio Emanuel Oliveira, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Fábio Emanuel Oliveira holds a BA in History (2018) and an MA in Modern and Contemporary History (2022) from the Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon, having defended the dissertation entitled Ourém entre Guerras (1919-1939): economic characterization. He is currently a PhD fellow in Contemporary History at the same institution. He is interested in the study of topics related to agriculture, industry, commerce and society in the 19th and 20th centuries, with special attention to the local and regional levels.


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How to Cite
Oliveira, F. E. (2023). The social consequences of the post-war period in the municipality of Vila Nova de Ourém (Portugal) – 1919-1925. Historia & Guerra, (4), 78-96.