Una A war for women. The female sections and writings of the weekly La Nota during the Great War (1915-1918)

Keywords: First World War, La Nota magazine, Cultural magazines, Women


This paper analyzes the impact of the Great War on women in the weekly La Nota from its founding in August 1915 until the end of 1918. For this purpose, this article examines contributions published by women and under women’s pseudonyms, as well as articles that appeared unsigned and male interventions around the issue of women and the war. The essay postulates that the magazine exhibited the fear of the masculinization of women as a result of the exercise of new roles by women during the war and, simultaneously, encouraged the implementation of liberal reforms that would allow the expansion of women’s civil and political rights under the condition that they did not neglect the domestic sphere, the privileged scenario of women’s life.  


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Author Biography

Cinthia Meijide, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Cinthia Meijide holds a degree in Political Science from the Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) and is a doctoral fellow at the same institution. Member of the Grupo de Estudios Históricos sobre la Guerra (GEHiGue, Instituto Ravignani) and of the Working Group Latin American History in Global Perspective (ADLAF). Her current line of research deals with the impact of the Great War on the Argentine intellectual and journalistic field. She has published on this subject and has made several presentations at conferences and scientific meetings.


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How to Cite
Meijide, C. (2022). Una A war for women. The female sections and writings of the weekly La Nota during the Great War (1915-1918). Historia & Guerra, (3), 122-149. https://doi.org/10.34096/hyg.n3.12004