“There are enough dead members of the Church”. The proselytizing goals of Father Avelino de Figueiredo, chaplain of the CEP in World War I (1917-1919)
Father Avelino de Figueiredo made it clear that his participation in World War I as a volunteer chaplain of the Portuguese Expeditionary Corps (CEP) had the central goal of saving souls. Given the laicizing impetus of the First Portuguese Republic, the proselytizing logic that permeated his service generated controversy, just a the process of association of volunteer chaplains to the CEP did. Portugal's participation in World War I in France was aimed at legitimizing the Republican regime, whose secular nature could be perceived as being threatened by the integration in its forces of elements that, besides being religious, had the clear objective of promoting their faith. Avelino de Figueiredo's actions included moral, spiritual, material, and educational support to the soldiers. However, underlying this action were the objectives of the expansion of Catholicism that the chaplain intended to promote among the soldiers.Downloads
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