Normas éticas

Ethical standards

Historia & Guerra adheres to the COPE (Committee of Publication Ethics) standards on good practices for publications. The works received are evaluated by the editorial committee to ensure compliance with the formal guidelines, their relevance in terms of the thematic lines contemplated in the journal, their originality and academic quality. If they are considered acceptable, the proposals will be sent for external evaluation, under the double-blind system. Strict confidentiality will be guaranteed throughout the evaluation process.

Historia & Guerra publishes original and unpublished contributions. All articles will be checked by means of plagiarism detection software (quetext) (Dupli Checker). In case of plagiarism or self-plagiarism, texts will not be published.

Plagiarism includes: copying the works of others, claiming them as one's own; adopting words or ideas from others without acknowledgement; not using inverted commas or other distinctions in a literal quotation; paraphrasing a source without mentioning it.

Self-plagiarism is considered to be: publishing work that has already been published and/or publishing all or part of the same content without citation.


Conflicts of interest 

To avoid conflicts of interest, researchers from the same institution to which the author belongs will be excluded as referees in the evaluation process. In case of other conflicts of interest, Historia & Guerra will follow the guidelines established for their resolution by the COPE (Committee of Publication Ethics), an institution to which it adheres concerning ethical standards on good practices for publications.