Insistir es resistir. Estudiantes, dispositivos pedagógicos y pobreza urbana en las sociedades de gerenciamiento

  • Silvia Grinberg
  • Eduardo Langer
Keywords: Pedagogical apparatuses, resistance, urban poverty, age or management


In this article we focus on the particularities presented by educational devices in contexts of extreme urban poverty attending student practices of resistance. More specifically, through empirical research results we propose elements for understanding and questioning of the particularities of inhabiting school by students. It is a question, then, of trying to grasp these practices by heeding how they are assembled in current pedagogical apparatuses. Practices of resistance, in this case on the part of students in contexts of urban poverty, are social productions that strain the notion of abject fear and the images of desperation often attributed to those students. They position themselves as subjects with desires, dreams and hopes that, we propose, act as fissures in the lines of sedimentation that any apparatuses entails (Deleuze, 1992). Thus, before living conditions of these young people and schools, the students say “I am here, I want in, listen to me.” That is, through humor and irony, they produce incidents that not only refute the idea that students don’t care about a thing but also politically fracture discourses and technologies of power. Here we will discuss how students produce practices where there is hope for life, defense of rights and debate over the status quo. This, in turn, involves the creation of strategies for survival and persistence from and in pedagogical apparatuses. 


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How to Cite
Grinberg, S., & Langer, E. (1). Insistir es resistir. Estudiantes, dispositivos pedagógicos y pobreza urbana en las sociedades de gerenciamiento. Revista Del IICE, (34), 29-46.
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