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Revista del Instituto de Historia Antigua Oriental 'Dr. Abraham Rosenvasser'
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Instituto de Historia Antigua Oriental
Revistas Científicas
Filo | UBA
e-ISSN 2683-9660
Current Issue
No 25 (2024)
Marcelo Campagno
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The Presence of Cats and Dogs in the Christian Tombs of Oxyrhynchus
Bibiana Agustí, Irene Riudavets
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The Imhet region: Its Spatial Significance in the Interaction of the Fourth and Fifth Hours of the Book of Amduat
Mariano Bonanno
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The dance scenes in the private tombs at Amarna
Miriam Bueno Guardia
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The myth of primordial rebellion
Marcos Cabobianco
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The statue of Nakht’s tomb (TT52): Its finding, hymn, and Re’s forms
Pedro Hugo Canto Núñez
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Pastoralism and Circulation of Goods in the Sinai Peninsula during the Predynastic and Early Dynastic Periods
Ezequiel Cismondi
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The Stepmother in Ancient Egypt: A Literary and Sociological Approach
Helena Díaz Rivas
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Horus Child in the Realm of the Dead: A Study of the Myth in Egyptian Funerary Literature from the Old Kingdom to the New Kingdom
Bárbara Hofman
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Towards a Theory of Pre-Canonical Egyptian Art
Sebastián F. Maydana
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Egypt in Argentina: the Odyssey of the Matthews-Beyens family Egyptian Collection
Olga Navarro-Cía
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From the First Section to the Zero Showcase: a museographic evolution of the Egyptian collections of the MAN
Isabel Olbés Ruiz de Alda
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The use of mudbrick in the construction of residential buildings in the Middle Kingdom
José Pérez Negre
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Origin and Materiality of Writing in Israel and Ancient Egypt. Philology and Archaeology in Dialogue
Adriana Noemí Salvador
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The yellow coffins from the tomb of Bab el-Gasus: problems associated with discovery documentation and material fragmentation
Jaume Vilaró Fabregat
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The reign of Sety I from the absolute chronology. A chronological exercise from oDeM 21
José Lull, Diana Navarro-López
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Marxist Archaeology Today. Historical Materialist Perspectives in Archaeology from America, Europe and the Near East in the 21st Century, de Ianir Milevski
Ezequiel Cismondi
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Allá lejos y hace tiempo… Había una vez el patriarcado en la antigua Siria. Relaciones de poder y política estatal, de Leticia Rovira
Julio Martín Fernández
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Temas y problemas de historia antiguo-oriental. Una introducción, de Federico Luciani y Leticia Rovira
Pablo Jaruf
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Tutankhamun and Carter. Assessing the Impact of a Major Archaeological Find, de Rogério Sousa, Gabriele Pieke y Tine Bagh
Sebastián F. Maydana
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