Ética, Bioarqueología y Publicaciones Científicas: Un Estudio de Caso

  • Kirsty Squires Staffordshire University
  • Charlotte A. Roberts Durham University
  • Marina Laura Sardi CONICET
  • Nicholas Márquez-Grant Cranfield University
Keywords: Ethics, Bioarchaeology, Publishing, Author Guidelines, Argentina


The excavation, analysis, curation, and restitution of archaeological human remains are associated with ethical challenges that those working within archaeology and heritage management should be aware of. However, the way ethical issues are acknowledged in publications continues to be overlooked. This paper examines the ethical approval required for the publication of research on human remains in Argentina and Chile. Fourteen journals that accept bioarchaeological research papers were examined. Of the 119 bioarchaeology papers published between January 2016 and September 2021, only two (1.7%) acknowledged following ethical guidelines. None of the articles referred to ethical approval to conduct the research. While ethics committees may not be in place in some universities or curating institutions, journal publishers have an increasing responsibility to ensure research on archaeological human remains is conducted in an ethical manner. In light of these results, the present paper recommends ways in which authors may address this issue and how journal editors may strengthen their guidance relating to ethical requirements.


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How to Cite
Squires, K., Roberts, C. A., Sardi, M. L., & Márquez-Grant, N. (2022). Ética, Bioarqueología y Publicaciones Científicas: Un Estudio de Caso. RUNA, Archivo Para Las Ciencias Del Hombre, 43(2), 245-264. https://doi.org/10.34096/runa.v43i2.10794
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