Políticas oficiales y patrimonialización en el carnaval porteño
In this work we seek to do a critical analysis around the process of inheritanceof carnival activities in the environment of Buenos Aires city. We will look at how thenew legislation for the porteño carnival, passed and implemented recently, hascontributed in modifying the relationships and in the internal configuration in thisambience of cultural production. This implies the emergence of new complementarysituations, negotiation and conflict among the different agents involved in thecelebrations of the porteño carnival. First of all, we are interested in describing andanalyzing the implementation process of formal devices, whose main objective is toregulate the activities of carnival groups. We will later examine how these officialregulations establish a frame and meaningful categorizations over the practices andrepresentations of the carnival groups, as well as which difficulties are arise at themoment of its cultural management.Downloads
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