Consumption and money: legitimate transactions, agreements and interpersonal conflicts in a microcredit program

  • Adrián Koberwein CONICET / FFyL - UBA
Keywords: Microcredit, Transactions, Interpersonal agreements and conflicts, Debts, Ethnography


The objective of this paper is to analyze the production of legitimate transactions in a microcredit policy and to explore the creation of interpersonal agreements and conflicts related to these transactions. Based on an ethnographic approach, the paper focuses on the meanings that actors give to the allocation of money, emphasizing the creation as well as the expression of both ‘economic’ and ‘non-economic’ debts and obligations.


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Author Biography

Adrián Koberwein, CONICET / FFyL - UBA
Doctor en Antropología. Becario Postdoctoral CONICET. FFyL - UBA.
How to Cite
Koberwein, A. (2011). Consumption and money: legitimate transactions, agreements and interpersonal conflicts in a microcredit program. RUNA, Archivo Para Las Ciencias Del Hombre, 32(2), 185-202.
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