Skills, tools and operational chains
The use of the ax among puesteros of the chaco santiagueño
The present article examines the use of the ax in a “puestera” family in the Alberdi Department, located in the northeast of Santiago del Estero, Argentina. I analyze a series of tasks in which the use of this tool makes it possible to craft different artifacts, destined to contain domestic livestock, or for commercial exchange. I focus on Ingold's concept of task. Through this concept the relations between humans and non-humans acquire a vivid perspective. Allows me to focus dynamically on the changing relationships in which the ax is inserted, putting the focus on two analytical levels. First, the communities of practice that bring together male members of the family group, based on certain actively negotiated projects. Second, the practical-perceptual and affective skills that the actors develop by actively relating to an environment made up of multiple non-human actants.Downloads
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