"Quantify Wrong Living"
Reflections on the conduct of a survey on the violence suffered by a group of indigenous women in Argentina
This article is a reflective exercise on a series of events that will take place to build a survey to alleviate the different types of violence stifled by a group of participants participating in the Second Parliament of Indigenous Mulheres for Bem. This meeting was held not in 2019 - in the province of Río Negro (Patagônia Argentina) - in which I participated as a collaborating anthropologist and feminist activist. This is how we present here visam barnacles to the importance of carrying out and testing ferraments that allowed us to address costumes and experiences, not just collaboratively with the social movements for which we think; but also trying to contribute to or ideal of an anthropology that posits to pay for the development of a critical thought capable of breaking the speeches of power given by two groups of four working groups.Downloads
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