Travel far away to be close
The missions abroad of an Argentine Region as public policies
This article examines the “trade and institutional missions abroad of the Central Region”. Journeys abroad were configured as a “regional” public policy within the mentioned subnational integration process, largely due to the agro-export profile of the associated provinces, along with the significant weight held by local entrepreneurs. Through focusing on the relevance attributed by "state officials" and "businessmen" to those missions, the article argues that the "success" of these journeys has little to do with their apparent (commercial) content, but more with the production of a (political) dynamic where "federalism" works as a fundamental value-in-action. In theoretical and methodological terms, the analysis is constructed from an ethnographic perspective based on the conceptual developments of political anthropology, and the anthropology of the State. In this regard it seeks to contribute to understand the ways in which various social actors participate in building up state dynamics.Downloads
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