Theoretical Approach to the Buffoon Technique

  • Pablo Facundo Garcia FCQ - UNC
Keywords: Buffoon, Jester, Deformity, Fermentation, Clown, Daga, Delprato


The aim of the present work is to generate a dialogue between the records of workshops and interviews (with Julieta Daga and Luciano Delprato) regarding the buffoon technique and notions related to theatrical theory. Initially, the ideas of morality, politics and power in the buffoon technique are explored, to later delve into the bodily deformities of these creatures. Then, the strategy with which the buffoons approach the contemporary scene is addressed. The work seeks to reveal an oscillating technique (in several senses) that could allow us to go one step further and think of a (and not the) theater that we need.


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How to Cite
Garcia, P. F. (2023). Theoretical Approach to the Buffoon Technique. Telondefondo. Revista De Teoría Y Crítica Teatral, (37).