In the Border between Music and Theatre: the Case of John Cage's "Water Walk"

  • Walter Frank
Keywords: representation, sonorous action, performance, musical composition, Water Walk, Cage


This paper discusses and explores conceptual implications of the piece "Water Walk" by John Cage, considering its relation with the idea of theater and musical composition as well as the interrelation between sound and theatrical action it presents. While there will not be a final answer to the core question about the categorization of "Water Walk", this article attempts to state that this piece by John Cage presents performatic qualities that locate it closer to theater and/or performance than to musical composition. 


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How to Cite
Frank, W. (1). In the Border between Music and Theatre: the Case of John Cage’s "Water Walk". Telondefondo. Revista De Teoría Y Crítica Teatral, 13(26), 25-32.