Buenos Aires as a Stage: Towards a Decalogue of links between the urban and the Theatrical

  • Malala González
Keywords: Theatre / performance, city, urban memory, tangible / intangible, cultural heritage


In this article, we aim to reflect on some possible connections between theatre/performance and the city, considering different practices, links and relations that allow us to rethink Buenos Aires as a stage based on its urban configuration, its cultural memory and its heritage. We intend to put together a decalogue of modalities that enable the intersection between the present and the past of the scenery we live and to observe how, in each case, they call for a more sensitive look that can experience a different perception of the urban, incorporating other practices of memory, other deconstructions, and, thus, providing new meanings. 


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How to Cite
González, M. (2019). Buenos Aires as a Stage: Towards a Decalogue of links between the urban and the Theatrical. Telondefondo. Revista De Teoría Y Crítica Teatral, (29), 156-168. https://doi.org/10.34096/tdf.n29.6521