Les Luthiers Fifty Years after "Snow White and de Seven Deadly Sins"

  • Josefina Vargas Fonseca Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
Keywords: Les Luthiers, Fiftieth Anniversary, Snow White, Di Tella Institute, Theatrical Innovation


Fifty years after the pemiere of "Snow White and the Seven Deadly Sins (Profane Oratory)", Les Luthiers’ experimental theatrical performance with actors and singers, this article aims to highlight the interesting achievements of this work, which included audiovisual technological resources, putting some of the experiences of the Di Tella Institute in the service of theatre. While many advances in theatrical investigations were still waiting to happen, this work shows early attempts to revitalize a complex theatrical sign and to renew theatrical communication. Thus, the demands of a young generation, affected by profound cultural changes in the late 60s, find a the way to a humorous-musical discourse based on an assembly of the theatrical stage with slide pictures, audiovisual resources and formal and informal instruments in a sucessful interdisciplinary exchange that has lasted over time.


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How to Cite
Vargas Fonseca, J. (2020). Les Luthiers Fifty Years after "Snow White and de Seven Deadly Sins". Telondefondo. Revista De Teoría Y Crítica Teatral, (31). https://doi.org/10.34096/tdf.n31.8263