Dramatic Versions, Narrative and Metadrama in the Work of Abelardo Estorino

  • Alberto Rivera Vaca University of Tennessee
Keywords: Dramaturgy, Metadrama, Poetics, Narrative, literary genres, Estorino


One of the poetic foundations of the dramatic literature of Abelardo Estorino (Cuba, 1925-2013) consists on the precision and fluidity of the word, as well as on stylistic renovation. His works are written not only to be represented, but also to be read. He always thinks of the reader in addition to the spectator, since he is a storyteller through the dramatic mode, and it’s the exact word what pushes the theatrical action forward. Also, the dramatic texts have stylistic innovations, like modern narrative procedures and metadramatic manifestations. These literary resources are evident in the transformation of the titles of the works, in the relationship between the titles and the dialogued text and in the intertextual and intratextual correspondence. It can be said that Estorino writes mainly to reflect upon the theatrical phenomenon: his self-awareness as playwright allows him to understand the process of dramatic composition.


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How to Cite
Rivera Vaca, A. (2020). Dramatic Versions, Narrative and Metadrama in the Work of Abelardo Estorino. Telondefondo. Revista De Teoría Y Crítica Teatral, (31). https://doi.org/10.34096/tdf.n31.8265