La escuela del poder: "Apareció la Margarita" de Roberto Athayde

  • Silka Freire Universidad de la República, Uruguay


This article aims to examine the particular connection between the female character and the dramatic space, with the purpose of analyzing the fact that, according to the place where the characters are situated, they may become true and dangerous centers of power. In this case, the domination mechanisms are displayed in a peculiar classroom where there is a grotesque female teacher willing to impose a master/slave relation with her students and who also uses her immunity accordingly, sheltered by the institutional school system


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How to Cite
Freire, S. (2012). La escuela del poder: "Apareció la Margarita" de Roberto Athayde. Telondefondo. Revista De Teoría Y Crítica Teatral, 8(16), 117-133.
Escrituras Teatrales