Para vivir no basta estar vivo: presencia y ejercicio en el trabajo del actor

  • Gisela Costa Habeyche Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil
Keywords: Theatre, Presence, Usina do Trabalho do Ator (UTA), Theatre creation, Actor


The following article discusses possibilities to think the presence of the actor considering some  aspects of the creation process of a performance by UTA (Usina do Trabalho do Ator), a theatre group from Rio Grande do Sul to which the author belongs. In order to do so, it analyses a particular exercise, which is practiced by the UTA and which is also part of Western theatre history, having been reported by Leabhart, Decroux and Copeau. In this analysis, daily work records that involve the description of the subjectivity perceived in the task are used to understand the lived experience, which favors the constitution of considerations on the practice, using Presence Studies as a basis.


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How to Cite
Costa Habeyche, G. (2012). Para vivir no basta estar vivo: presencia y ejercicio en el trabajo del actor. Telondefondo. Revista De Teoría Y Crítica Teatral, 8(16), 226-238.
Estudios de la presencia