El silencio como línea de fuga: "Mujeres soñaron caballos" de Daniel Veronese

  • Micaela van Muylem Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
Keywords: Mujeres soñaron caballos, Veronese, Vanishing Line, Silence, Repetition, Rupture, fragmentation


We analyse Mujeres soñaron caballos (Women that dreamt horses) by Daniel Veronese (2000), a play in which we see no violent reaction to the norm, but a the opening of a way out into the margins. The non-enunciation is a conscious and methodic reformulation that rejects all that is imposed, without ignoring the importance of the tradition that precedes the play and where it is immerse. The silence and the emptiness in the text and in the performance work as vanishing lines, as a rational and strategic choice that enables a sabotage of the order established by the logos. 


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How to Cite
van Muylem, M. (2012). El silencio como línea de fuga: "Mujeres soñaron caballos" de Daniel Veronese. Telondefondo. Revista De Teoría Y Crítica Teatral, 8(15), 208-220. https://doi.org/10.34096/tdf.n15.9010
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