"Mujeres en Escena/Transgredir el escenario". Un acercamiento a las artistas en el Teatro Solís: 1856–1947

  • Daniela Bouret Directora de Desarrollo Institucional del Teatro Solís, Montevideo
  • Gonzalo Vicci Centro de Investigación, Documentación y Difusión de las Artes Escénicas del Teatro Solís, Montevideo
Keywords: Scenic Arts, uruguay, Gender, Teatro Solis, Women, Memory


This paper proposes a dialogue between the dynamics of the stage arts, and the permanence that images and documents related to the artists who have been on Teatro Solis´s stage between 1856 and 1947 have. They mean the essential archive for knowing repertoires, sets, influences, context of the productions, roles, character building, and even the way of handling their image with unused sources and CIDDAE documents. Splitting this history as in "Women on stage" is only one of many possible categorizations. The urgent need of rescuing them, also means the creation of a meeting time, so as to build together with them a common and necessarily pluralistic history.


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How to Cite
Bouret, D., & Vicci, G. (2010). "Mujeres en Escena/Transgredir el escenario". Un acercamiento a las artistas en el Teatro Solís: 1856–1947. Telondefondo. Revista De Teoría Y Crítica Teatral, 6(12), 1-18. https://doi.org/10.34096/tdf.n12.9211