Fiction that never stops: reflections on the limits of theatrical art

  • Norma Adriana Scheinin Universidad de Buenos Aires
Keywords: fiction, Aesthetics, theatre


How are the possible games of fiction in the theatrical scene at present being presented to us? Do we consider again that the limits between fiction and everyday reality allow us to think and understand changes in aesthetic conceptions? What happens when the everyday invades or subsumes the field of fiction? How to formulate the limits of a transformation and even of a fictional expansion? What about on the other side of that flexible limit: only empirical reality, or also constructions like those of the simulacrum? Let us try to redefine these issues with the openness offered by analyzing from a productive typology.


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How to Cite
Scheinin, N. A. (2005). Fiction that never stops: reflections on the limits of theatrical art. Telondefondo. Revista De Teoría Y Crítica Teatral, (1), 1-8.