Cosmopolitics, ethnoontologies and other epistemologies. Anthropology as ethnographical theory

  • Marcio Goldman Programa de Posgrado en Antropología Social del Museo Nacional, Universidad Federal de Río de Janeiro e investigador del CNPq y de la FAPERJ
Keywords: Afro-Brazilian religions, Possession, Cosmopolitics, Onthology, Epistemology


In this paper I propose to explore the possibility of practicing an anthropology that –in the most radical way as possible-does not discredit our participants’ practices and thoughts. I present ethnographic and theoretical issues from my research on religion and politics, in order to discuss the possibility of doing anthropology from a fundamental unknown, in the philosophical sense of the term. In other words, to do anthropology starting from a kind of transcendental not knowing that, far from paralyzing the research, may, on the contrary, act as its dynamic impulse.


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Author Biography

Marcio Goldman, Programa de Posgrado en Antropología Social del Museo Nacional, Universidad Federal de Río de Janeiro e investigador del CNPq y de la FAPERJ
Profesor titular del Programa de Posgrado en Antropología Social del Museo Nacional, Universidad Federal de Río de Janeiro e investigador del CNPq y de la FAPERJ. Río de Janeiro, Brasil.
How to Cite
Goldman, M. (2016). Cosmopolitics, ethnoontologies and other epistemologies. Anthropology as ethnographical theory. Cuadernos De antropología Social, (44), 27-35.
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