Brazilian Germanophiles over the First World War: an initial approach

Keywords: First World War, global war, intellectuals, Brazilian intellectuals, Germanophiles


In Brazil, the intellectuals commonly preferred the Allies over the First World War. Despite this open favouritism, some men of letters broke the rules delivering their sympathies towards the German Empire. Currently, little is known about the Brazillian Germanophiles. Therefore, this essay briefly traces who they and their supporters were, how they usually acted, their motivations, and speeches about the war. By studying their texts published in Rio de Janeiro’s papers, it will be argued that one of these intellectuals’ main purposes was to defend German culture from Brazilian aliadophiles’ attacks on the press. It also aims to contribute to the recent historiography about this centenary conflict, showing the intellectuals’ importance to the conflict’s mobilisation and representation. In addition, the current essay provides new elements to the approach of the First World War as a global conflict that engaged people from the belligerent countries as much as societies far from the front.


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Author Biography

Livia Claro, Investigadora Independiente, Brasil
Livia Claro holds a master’s degree in Political History from the State University of Rio de Janeiro. She is currently a PhD candidate in social history at the Postgraduate Program in Social History of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, with a research project on Brazilian Germanophile intellectuals during the First World War. Her areas of research are World War I, social and cultural war history, political history and history of intellectuals. She is the author of the book Intelectuais nas Trincheiras, published by Appris in 2019.


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How to Cite
Claro, L. (2021). Brazilian Germanophiles over the First World War: an initial approach. Historia & Guerra, (1), 23-43.