The Great War and the Representation of the German Submarine in Argentine Illustrated Magazines. The Example of Caras y Caretas, El Hogar and Mundo Argentino

Keywords: First World War, submarine warfare, cultural representations, illustrated press, magazines


During the First World War, Great Britain implemented a naval blockade to interrupt the supply of food and materials to Germany. The latter responded with a series of submarine campaigns, directed against the trade routes supplying the Allies. The international media made clear the destructive power of the U-boats when they published news of the sinkings and the accounts of the survivors. The present work deals with the representations of the submarine and the German submarine campaigns in the Argentine press, more precisely in Caras y Caretas, El Hogar, and Mundo Argentino. These illustrated weeklies, of great popularity and distribution, carried out an important coverage of the events, reflecting the interest of the society in the submarine and the generalized impact that it had reached in the domestic discourse.


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Author Biography

Agustín Daniel Desiderato, CONICET-IHAYA-GEHiGue / ESG-FE-UNDEF
Agustín Daniel Desiderato holds a PhD in History from the Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA), a Master's degree in History from the Universidad Nacional de San Martín (UNSAM), a Professor of Higher Education from the Universidad Tecnológica Nacional (UTN) and a Bachelor's degree in History from the Universidad del Salvador (USAL). He is a PhD Fellow of the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), based at the Instituto de Historia Argentina y Americana “Dr. Emilio Ravignani”, where he co-coordinates the Grupo de Estudios Históricos sobre la Guerra (GEHiGue). He is currently a Professor at the Escuela Superior de Guerra, Facultad del Ejército, Universidad de la Defensa Nacional (UNDEF). His field of research is the Argentine maritime History of the 19th and 20th centuries and the social and cultural history of war.


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How to Cite
Desiderato, A. D. (2022). The Great War and the Representation of the German Submarine in Argentine Illustrated Magazines. The Example of Caras y Caretas, El Hogar and Mundo Argentino. Historia & Guerra, (3), 78-97.