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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • • The article submitted has not been previously published or submitted for consideration by any other journal (or a description or summary has been provided in the Comments to the Editor).
  • • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF or WordPerfect format.
  • • Whenever possible, URLs are provided for reference.
  • • The text is single-spaced, 12-point font size, italics are used instead of underlining (except in URLs), and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed in the appropriate text locations, rather than at the end.
  • • The text meets the stylistic and bibliographic requirements included in the Author Guidelines in About the Journal.
  • • In the case of submitting the text to the peer review section, the instructions included in Ensuring an anonymous review.

Author Guidelines

Standards for Authors

Only original and unpublished academic papers not being simultaneously submitted to other journals or editorial bodies are accepted for publication. Individually or collectively authored. The languages accepted are Spanish, Portuguese and English.

Contributions may be: 

  1. Articles based on empirical research
  2. Theoretical reflection essays
  3. Reviews of events or books recently published This section is open and receives reviews and critiques of events and books related to the areas of interest of the journal, as long as the texts fulfill the publication requirements. 
  4. Interviews with specialists or researchers who contribute ideas and concepts to deepen the understanding of the problems concerning the educational field. 

Thematic dossier: The Editorial Committee may decide, on its own, at the suggestion of the Academic Advisory Committee or other interested parties, whether to publish a thematic dossier to be included in some of its issues. This section may contain a presentation, articles written by invited authors and other original articles. The submission of contributions to this section -whenever there is a call for papers- shall be open. Contributions to the Dossiers shall meet the same requirements for the submission of articles and follow the same evaluation process: a first evaluation by the Editorial Committee and the editors of the dossier, who will ensure that the article conforms to the standards and approach of the journal and to the thematic area of the dossier. In a second evaluation instance, contributions shall be evaluated by peers implementing a double-blind system.

IMPORTANT: Only one article per author shall be published either in the same issue or in two consecutive issues of the Journal.



Contributions will follow the following rules:

  1. Length. Articles and essays should have a maximum length of 50,000 characters -with spaces- (including bibliography, tables, charts and notes). Reviews should not exceed 13,000 characters -with spaces- and should include editorial data in the case of books or institutional details and dates when events reviewed took place.

  2. Format. Pages should be numbered, A4 size, Times New Roman 12 point font, single and half spaced.

  3. The following information should be included on the cover page: a) Work title (with a maximum length of 100 characters).

  1. b) Short CV of the author(s) (no more than three lines), including the full names of the authors, information on their academic background and the institution where it was completed, institutional membership, the country where the relevant institution is located and the authors’ e-mail address(es). No abbreviations should be used when stating these details. Please, use the following example as reference when preparing this information:
    Researcher's Name: Doctor in Education, Universidad de Buenos Aires; Master in Social Sciences with Orientation in Education, Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (Argentina); Bachelor in Education Sciences, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Postdoctoral fellow, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas-Universidad de Buenos Aires. Argentina. investigador@gmail.com
    If you have an ORCID digital identifier, you may include it between the country and e-mail address.
  1. The first page should include:
    a) Title of the work, with a maximum length of 100 characters, in Spanish and English.
    b) Abstract in both languages, up to 200 words.
    c) Up to 5 key terms included under each abstract in the corresponding language.
    Inclusion of the objectives, methodology, results and conclusions in the abstracts will be positively valued.

  2. Except for the title page, the paper should not make reference to any information that would allow identification of the author. It is recommended to use XXX to replace the information removed.
    Ex1: “The present work is the result of a research process framed in the XXX program under the direction of XXX”. Ex. 2: “In a previous work (XXX, 1987) similar results were found” (For this last case, please note that you should state this information with the same format in the bibliography).  
    Also, the author’s name shall be removed from the document Properties (in Microsoft Word, go to Properties-Details). Other information such as financing, projects or acknowledgments, if any, should be included in this cover page. If the article is accepted, the journal will place this information where appropriate during the layout process.
    Authors are responsible for guaranteeing the anonymity of their authorship in the body of the text and in the bibliographical references. 
  1. Footnotes. Footnotes should be placed at the bottom of the page in Times New Roman 10 point font, single spaced. Footnotes should not be used for bibliographical references to texts or authors mentioned in the body of the text. It is recommended to use footnotes in a restricted way, only to provide specific information that cannot be included in the main text. Footnotes should not be used in the main title and subtitle of the article, nor in the summary/abstract.
  1. Use of italics and quotation marks. Neither bold nor underlined text should be used to highlight text. Double and/or single quotation marks may be used to highlight text or words if necessary. To identify different types of emphasis or registers, it is highly recommended that the author(s) explain the use of the punctuation marks involved at the beginning of the article by means of a footnote.

  2. Subheadings. The different sections of the text may be separated for legibility purposes by subheadings in Times New Roman 12 point font size, like the rest of the text: the main subheadings in bold, the secondary subheadings in italics and the tertiary subheadings in normal font, two spaces below the preceding text and one space above the following text.

  3. Figures and tables. They should be expressly referred to in the text and numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals: (Figure 1), (Figure 2), (Table1), (Table 2), etc. The Figure or Table should be placed immediately after the paragraph in which it is mentioned for the first time. The following information should be stated below each figure or table: Figure/Table No. Title. Source:
    Example:  Table 3. Common Education - Enrollment and sections. Source: Annual Survey 2018. DiNIEE. Ministerio de Educación, Cultura, Ciencia y Tecnología de la Nación.

  1. Acknowledgments and Clarifications. Acknowledgments and financing should be presented on the title page. Subsequently, if the article is accepted, acknowledgments shall be placed at the end of the main body, before the Bibliographical References during the layout process. In the acknowledgments it is possible to mention all those who have contributed in any way to the research process and to the results shown in the text, but who should not be considered authors.

  2. Citations and bibliographical references should follow the standards set by the American Psychological Association (APA), 6th edition.



As of September 2021, articles may only be submitted through this website using the “Submissions” section or by clicking on the “Submit an article” button.

For further information, please write to revistaiice@gmail.com

State the relevant section in which the submission should be included (Thematic Dossier, Permanent Call for Papers or Reviews).

IMPORTANT: Reception of papers does not imply their publication. The Editorial Committee shall decide on the inclusion of articles in the journal according to the thematic priorities and space available.


Article evaluation process

The papers received are subject to a first evaluation by the Editorial Committee, in order to verify whether they meet the requirements of the journal’s profile and all its formal editorial guidelines.  If accepted, this body proposes two external evaluators specialized in the subject matter, either from national or international universities, who shall revise each article. The anonymity of authors and reviewers is maintained throughout the process.



Authors who publish in this journal accept the following conditions: 

  1. Authors retain copyright and grant the journal the right of first publication, with the work registered under the Creative Commons attribution license (Atribución-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-SA 4.0)).
  2. Authors may make other independent and additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the version of the article published in this journal (for instance, inclusion in an institutional repository or publication in a book) as long as they clearly indicate that the work was published for the first time in this journal. 

Publication is free of charge. At no time will the author be charged for publication in this journal.

Privacy Statement

The names and e-mail addresses entered in this journal shall be used exclusively for the purposes herein set forth and shall not be provided to third parties or used for other purposes.