Youth, politics and sexuality: the Coexistence and Regulations regulation of dress forms in Secondary School

  • Pedro Núñez
  • Jésica Báez
Keywords: Young, secondary school, sexualities, discipline regime


This article aims to analyze the ways of regulating the construction of the sexed body of the young people in secondary school in Buenos Aires. To do this, first, we present the various tensions facing the school from massification process after the enactment of the law establishing it´s obligation, and exposed the dilemmas that young and adults face in their everyday life in institutions. In a second step, we describe the process of building and consolidating the school discipline regime that emphasizes in the coexistence in school life. And finally, we analyzed a series of scenes of fieldwork in a school in the jurisdiction where the Student Centre manages to make effective changes in clothing. 


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How to Cite
Núñez, P., & Báez, J. (1). Youth, politics and sexuality: the Coexistence and Regulations regulation of dress forms in Secondary School. Revista Del IICE, (33), 79-92.
Dossier: La educación secundaria frente a los desafíos de la obligatoriedad