Building situated knowledge agendas: experiences from the University of the Republic in Uruguay

  • María Goñi Mazzitelli
  • Camila Zeballos Lereté
  • Mariela Bianco Bozzo
Keywords: production of knowledge in interaction, participation, non academic actors, collaboration, co-production


Production of knowledge in interaction among various actors reflects a trajectory of social commitment of public Latin American universities. This article focuses on the characteristics that the participation of non-academic actors has within knowledge production processes in interaction. The guiding question aims to identify the roles non-academic actors acquire when they engage in knowledge processes with academic actors. For this purpose, a set of projects funded by the Research Program Oriented to Social Inclusion of the University of the Republic (Uruguay) is taken as an empirical reference. The participation of non-academic actors is examined on the basis of three specific dimensions (profiles, communication flow, and intervention) that contribute to the construction of knowledge processes in a gradient from collaboration to co-production. In terms of ideal types, collaboration and co-production simplify the heterogeneity of possible relationships between “experts and laymen” when situated knowledge agendas are fostered.


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How to Cite
Goñi Mazzitelli, M., Zeballos Lereté, C., & Bianco Bozzo, M. (2021). Building situated knowledge agendas: experiences from the University of the Republic in Uruguay. Revista Del IICE, (50), 75-90.
Dossier: Libre acceso al conocimiento y pub. científicas en el campo educativo