El trabajo por proyectos como organizador de la propuesta escolar: bondades y puntos de riesgo advertidos a partir de un estudio de caso

  • Fernando Pablo Morillo
Keywords: Secondary school, pedagogical projects, organizer, institutional dynamics, critical conditions


The article presents advances of a qualitative research initiated in 2004 in an isolated island town, which consisted of four cycles or phases. Reference is made to its second phase, dedicated to the in-depth study of its educational and cultural organizations, focusing on the secondary school and its arduous process of institutionalization from the moment it was founded to the date of the research on this second phase. After some brief news about the case of IEC and the focus school, we’ll stop to describe a difference advised between pedagogical-institutional project spaces and ordinary class spaces, as they emerge from the analysis of different sources (observation, interviews, document analysis). In the light of the community drama, then we will try to establish some conjectural lines in search of the possible meanings of this difference noted between both types of space. Finally, we will reflect on the kindness and risks of an institutional operation, propped up by dynamic external and internal, it privileges as a response to the critical conditions a mode of work projects from programmes proposed by the central educational instances. 


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How to Cite
Morillo, F. P. (1). El trabajo por proyectos como organizador de la propuesta escolar: bondades y puntos de riesgo advertidos a partir de un estudio de caso. Revista Del IICE, (34), 63-80. https://doi.org/10.34096/riice.n34.1443
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