La Geografía en la reforma curricular del "compromiso entre lo nuevo y las tradiciones"

  • Silvia I. Busch
Keywords: Curricular reform, disciplinary approaches, Geography, recontextualization field


The presentation of contents as neutral and value-free, the discursive naturalization of social processes, and the prevalence of linear associations between natural characteristics and social-spatial processes, they all characterize contents in social sciences and they all have been questioned across countries. In the field of didactics of geography in Argentina, the 1990’s educational reform is usually acknowledged as a reform that enabled the emergence of a critical space vis-à-vis a deeply rooted tradition dating back to the 1940s. In this work I introduce some results of a research intended to analyze the process of pedagogic recontextualization and its connections with the field of production in Geography during the process of curricular reform of the 1990s, with the purpose of understanding the structural tensions permeating the discipline curriculum. 


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How to Cite
Busch, S. I. (1). La Geografía en la reforma curricular del "compromiso entre lo nuevo y las tradiciones". Revista Del IICE, (34), 99-110.
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