Curricularization of Human Rights in public universities.
Conceptions and experiences
Forty years after the recovery of democracy, the curricularization of Human Rights in university education is a commitment, among others, to strengthen the processes of its consolidation. Argentine public universities have accompanied processes of elaboration of the recent traumatic past of our society. They assumed an active role as a social actor in the construction of knowledge, configuring spaces for problematization and reflection on human rights. In this process, 2008 Regional Higher Education Conference of Latin America and the Caribbean marked a historical mark by proclaiming Higher Education as a human right and a social public good. It constituted the foundation of university policies that aimed to make this right effective and expand others, strengthening the democratization of the university by promoting the curricularization of Human Rights in its agendas. In this article we propose, on the one hand, to share the assumptions and political pedagogical principles that support the curricularization of Human Rights in the education that takes place in Argentina’s public universities and, on the other, to describe the experience materialized by the Interuniversity Network of Human Rights of the National Interuniversity Council, linked to the institutionalization of curricularization on the university policy agenda.Downloads
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