Aulas sin violencia, Universidades sin violencia

  • Vanesa Vázquez Laba
  • Cecilia Rugna
Keywords: gender violence, higher education, assistance and intervention


In the present article we intend to describe the work developed in the Program against Gender Violence (PcVG) of the National University of San Martín to reflect on the approach to the problem of gender violence at the level of higher education. To do this, we analyze the following axes, firstly, the problematization of which conceptual framework (s) of Gender Violence are used in Universities for assistance and intervention; As well as the institutional responses that are managed and implemented in the face of manifestations of gender-based violence in universities. Secondly, the actions of the Program against Gender Violence of the National University of San Martín (UNSAM), contemplate research on violence and intervention modalities; The Comprehensive Counseling in Sexual and Reproductive Health and Care of Violence; And working together in the Inter-University Network for Gender Equality and Violence; Key lines in the recognition of the university as a space in which discriminations and forms of violence based on gender are exercised, as well as in which knowledge and practices can be built around the autonomy of bodies.


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How to Cite
Vázquez Laba, V., & Rugna, C. (1). Aulas sin violencia, Universidades sin violencia. Revista Del IICE, (38), 109-118.
Dossier: Educación, género y sexualidades