Comparisons of inequality in Argentine Sign Language. A descriptive approach

Keywords: Argentine sign language, comparative constructions, description, inequality, scale, referential locus


According to Quer et al (2017), in cognitive or semantic terms, comparisons can be defined as a mental act by which two entities are assigned a position on a scale: if the the positions on the scale are different, we will speak of comparisons of inequality; if they occupy the same position, we will have a comparisons of equality. In this paper we propose to make a descriptive approach to the comparative constructions of inequality in Argentine Sign Language (LSA). The absence of description of comparative constructions is general in the field of sign languages (LLSS), with the exception of Italian Sign Language and Turkish Sign Language. Our preliminary observations agree with the descriptions of these two LLSS regarding the various ways of expressing inequality comparison. In this regard, we observe three options, which can co-occur in the same sentence. On the one hand, the comparison can be expressed through the use of a scalar manual sign that is incorporated into the nucleus of the comparison. On the other hand, it is possible to use the comparative quantifier sign MÁS, adjacent to the nucleus of the comparison or compared notion. Finally, the comparison can be expressed through a locative strategy together with deictic signs.


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How to Cite
Coronel, M., Malalel, D., Mazuecos, A. L., & Dalmau, M. de los Ángeles. (2024). Comparisons of inequality in Argentine Sign Language. A descriptive approach. Signo & Seña, (45).
Dossier. El habla visual: Treinta años de lingüística de la LSA en Signo y seña