Las Ultracosas by Cuqui Jerez: Provisional Desires for Imagining Art Practice Research

  • Anto Rodríguez UCLM UCM
Keywords: Art Practice as Research, Live Arts; Performance Art, Art and Dissidence, Art Research, Las Ultracosas, Jerez


Art practice research is a field of knowledge that has only recently been established in Spanish university and educational contexts. In order to try to define it in this article, I will take a closer look at my own research practice and list 10 axes with which to describe some of its most important aspects. I use the description of the performance piece Las Ultracosas by Cuqui Jerez as a pretext to address complex and common concepts such as dissident vibration, the practice of the present or the taking of a position. Practice as research is a dissident space inside the academy and the cultural market that is gradually making its way into the performing and living arts, that is why it is important to try to define or question it.


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How to Cite
Rodríguez, A. (2023). Las Ultracosas by Cuqui Jerez: Provisional Desires for Imagining Art Practice Research. Telondefondo. Revista De Teoría Y Crítica Teatral, (37).