Hambre, antropofagia y la construcción de la alteridad en el siglo XVI: los casos Schmidl y Staten

  • María Inés Aldao
Keywords: hunger, anthropophagy, otherness, colonial chronicles


Two Germans risk in an unknown territory with the same aim: to prosper. Derrotero y viaje a España y a las Indias (1567) and Viaje y cautiverio entre los caníbales (1557), from German soldiers Ulrico Schmidl and Hans Staden, respectively, are two chro-nicles which show in a similar manner the brutality of hunger and the danger of anthropophagy that the conquerors of South America suffered. Although they toured different territories and lived different experiences, they left an essential testimony of the heterogeneity of aboriginal groups for the history of the American colonial period. 


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How to Cite
Aldao, M. I. (1). Hambre, antropofagia y la construcción de la alteridad en el siglo XVI: los casos Schmidl y Staten. Zama. Revista Del Instituto De Literatura Hispanoamericana, 6(6), 19-30. https://doi.org/10.34096/zama.a6.n6.1524