Readings about the aboriginal social organization in the Central-South Andes

  • Inés Gordillo
Keywords: Social organization, South-Central Andean Region, Middle and Late Intermediate Periods, Article reviews


The purpose of the coming pages is to go through the articles that make up this Dossier, taking into account their different cognitive interests, proposals and results. All of them are papers presented at the Symposium “The ways of organization of the societies that inhabited the South Central Andean Region, during the Medium and Late Intermediate Periods”, held within the XVIII National Congress of Argentine Archaeology (La Rioja, 2013). Each contribution is herein briefly described, analyzed and contextualized in relation to the general problem it approaches. Through them we will address a variety of problems, times and settings, from the practices of spatial mobility of pastoralists in the Chilean altiplano, through the late landscapes and their transformations in the basin of San Juan Mayo (Argentina-Bolivia) or the socio-spatial organization in the Calchaquíes Valleys during the Late Period, to the social complexity in Aguada groups manifested in the architectural landscape of northern La Rioja or in the graves of the Hualfín Valley (Catamarca). Finally, we will consider all the papers as a whole in order to acknowledge their similarities and divergences regarding theoric-methodological approaches and interpretations, as well as their contributions to the raised issue.


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How to Cite
Gordillo, I. (1). Readings about the aboriginal social organization in the Central-South Andes. Arqueología, 21(3), 169-184.