A bibliographic silence (about “influence”)

  • Flávio Brayner
  • Kelma Beltrão
Keywords: influence, Modernist, Regionalist, People, culture


The purpose of this text was to construct the notion of influence, showing that investments made in the 1920s by intellectuals such as Mário de Andrade and Gilberto Freyre did not necessarily need to be cited by Paulo Freire in order for his ideas to be present in the educator’s work. We conclude that the themes generated by these intellectuals (a modernist and a regionalist), especially the approach to culture and people, helped Paulo Freire (in the 1950s and 1960s) to form a certain idea of people and culture among those he intended to teach with his method.


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How to Cite
Brayner, F., & Beltrão, K. (2020). A bibliographic silence (about “influence”). Revista Del IICE, (48). https://doi.org/10.34096/iice.n48.10207
Dossier. A propósito del Centenario de Paulo Freire