Social justice, recognition and solidarity. On the relevance of Freirean pedagogy

  • Andrea Díaz
Keywords: Social justice, Recognition, Solidarity, Pedagogy, Paulo Freire


The article aims to review the relevance of Freirean pedagogy in the light of the current debates on social justice. It try to identify what could be an original production of the debate, anchored in the historicity of Latin America. In a special way, the notion of solidarity is rescued as a condition that links the recognition of situations of injustice, with active promotion and struggles for social justice. Finally, it outlines some reflections on how this perspective contributes to thinking about the relationship between social justice and education today.


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How to Cite
Díaz, A. (2020). Social justice, recognition and solidarity. On the relevance of Freirean pedagogy. Revista Del IICE, (48).
Dossier. A propósito del Centenario de Paulo Freire