Early Childhood Education in Chile and a Gender Approach, sexism in Early Childhood Education?
In Chile, the gender approach and its influence on the reproduction of stereotypes and biases in Early Childhood Education has an incipient development. In this essay an exhaustive bibliographic inquiry is carried out on the research on the subject in Chile in the last five years, observing that there is little evidence on a gender approach and its relationship with the emotional, social and cognitive development of girls and boys in early childhood. The discussion on inequalities related to Gender issues in the Chilean educational system is opened, making visible that these inequities arise in early childhood, showing evidence in the processes of socialization, play, language development and mathematical thinking in Early Childhood Education , and its influence on the construction of the identity and cognition of girls and boys, Likewise, and considering the high female participation in this profession, the beliefs of preschool educators and their pedagogical practices are investigated to reflect on the discourses of the children. adults and their relationship with pedagogical practices. This essay raises tensions and challenges about a non-sexist education in initial teacher training, the construction of the professional teacher identity and pedagogical practices in Early Childhood Education.Downloads
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How to Cite
Pinto Wong, A. A., Jiménez Guerra, R. A., Salazar Alvear , D. A., & Valenzuela Araya, A. D. (2021). Early Childhood Education in Chile and a Gender Approach, sexism in Early Childhood Education?. Revista Del IICE, (49), 123-138. Retrieved from http://revistascientificas.filo.uba.ar/index.php/iice/article/view/10452
Dossier: Infancias y educación