Generation gap and academic conditions for the knowledge production in Mexico

  • Xóchitl Yolanda Castañeda Bernal
  • Cynthia Paola Fuentes Hernández
  • Ricardo Pérez Mora
  • Blanca Lizbeth Inguanzo Arias
Keywords: generation gap, researchers, knowledge production, meritocracy


The article arises from the interest in analyzing the conditions of researchers in the production of knowledge in the different stages of development of their careers. The analytical emphasis took place in the generational dimension and discusses some meritocratic mechanisms of legitimation that exist in the gaps generationals between researchers. This article presents part of the analysis of the empirical work of the research “Academic freedom and the conditions of production and collective mobilization of knowledge of the researchers ”, with the representation of twelve interviews conducted at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, that belong to the National System of Researchers (NSR). The results indicate, in one hand, that for academics who are starting their careers it is increasingly important to be part of the NSR, due to the need to be able to access to a better working conditions, and in the other hand, that for the academics with more experience the interest is focused on permanence, even when they can access the retirement stage, because they stop having a contractual relationship with the University and therefor, they will lose the distinction of the NRS and the economic stimulus.


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How to Cite
Castañeda Bernal, X. Y., Fuentes Hernández, C. P., Pérez Mora, R., & Inguanzo Arias, B. L. (2021). Generation gap and academic conditions for the knowledge production in Mexico . Revista Del IICE, (50), 55-74.
Dossier: Libre acceso al conocimiento y pub. científicas en el campo educativo