Group processes, cohesion and heterogeneity in a virtual DMT device for teachers in a pandemic

  • María Soledad Manrique Universidad de Buenos Aires - CONICET
Keywords: pandemic, teachers, groups, dance movement therapy, virtuality


The following work results from the analysis of the group process that took place in a virtual Dance Movement Therapy (DMT) device —“Aulabramantes”— carried out with 9 teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic, in Buenos Aires, with the duration of three months, at the beginning of 2021. The objective was to account for the group process. From the video recording of the group meetings and individual interviews with the participants, a qualitative analysis was carried out that combined the content analysis with the constant comparative method. The results have allowed us to characterize the imaginary task of the group through the metaphor of group darning. We have described the process in terms of what provided cohesion to the group through mutual identification and different ways of working with difference —grouping, fusion, multiplication of meanings and dialogue with difference—, which allow us to find the common or dialogue with what is different. The results are discussed in the light of psychoanalytic group theories. The conclusions point to the support function that a group fulfills in times of crisis such as the pandemic and the group processes to build this group that provides support.


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How to Cite
Manrique, M. S. (2023). Group processes, cohesion and heterogeneity in a virtual DMT device for teachers in a pandemic. Revista Del IICE, (53).
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