Aportes teóricos conceptuales para pensar los procesos educativos en escenarios de conflicto ambiental
Environmental crisis, environmental conflict, territory, environmental education
This article is a theoretical reflection that aims to contribute to the understanding and analysis of the educative processes that develop in scenarios of environmental conflict. As a result of the transformation of the model capitalist accumulation, in the last decades has emerged different experiences of collective action of intense social conflict, where different social actors articulate to build new demands and environmental claims to defend the territory. Is from here that we pretend to read the history and investigate the educative processes that produce, transmitted and legitimize in these experiences. The presentation and systematization of the categories of environmental crisis, environmental conflict and territory pretend to generate a reflection that offer conceptual tools to enrich the actual analysis from the field of environmental education in Argentina. This presentation is part of the work that we are doing as young researchers in different project of Buenos Aires University and in the graduate seminaries that we did to our doctoral thesis.Downloads
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How to Cite
Canciani, M. L., & Telias, A. (1). Aportes teóricos conceptuales para pensar los procesos educativos en escenarios de conflicto ambiental. Revista Del IICE, (34), 111-122. https://doi.org/10.34096/riice.n34.1446
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