La institucionalización de la investigación educativa en México: cuatro ángulos de abordaje
research, education, institutionalization, Mexico
This paper proposes four points of view to know the way of institutionalization for the educational research in Mexico, in the sexties and seventies mainly. The institutionalization is considered like a process of insertion into the structures and development of the social organizations, mostly in Higher Education through habituation process within recognized and regular practices in certain social sectors (Berger y Luckman; 1995); for example:The conceptual boundary, this is the inscription of educational issues, their modalities and approaches into the Social Sciences and Humanities concert.The institutional bases and professionalization of the educational research, that means recognition about regular practice of research, themes and problems into higher education organizations. The comunication and divulgation of scientific knowledge through education journals. The particular policies to educational research. This article is arguing that through institutionalization has settled the bases of the contemporary research in education embracing different kinds of historical, conceptual, disciplinary and political elements in the seventies.Downloads
How to Cite
Cabrera, D. M. (1). La institucionalización de la investigación educativa en México: cuatro ángulos de abordaje. Revista Del IICE, (35), 19-33.
Dossier: Universidad y Sociedad | Parte I