Tecnología Educativa y Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura: trayectorias, convergencias y propuestas

  • Alejo Ezequiel González López Ledesma
Keywords: educational technology, didactics, lenguage, literature, ICT


This article aims to present the contributions that the field of Educational Technology can make to the field of Language and Literature sociocultural Didactics regarding the use of ICT in teaching. In first place, we will address the points that both fields have in common regarding teaching and the meaning of school knowledge. Afterwards, we look into the challenges posed to the subject Language and Literature by the new cultural forms that belong to the new digital environments. In order to do this, we will discuss the Digital media literacies approach and explore the form in which this approach and the understanding of the characteristics adopted by the integration of ICT in teaching can help rethink the way Language and Literature are currently taught.


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How to Cite
González López Ledesma, A. E. (1). Tecnología Educativa y Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura: trayectorias, convergencias y propuestas. Revista Del IICE, (37), 55-68. https://doi.org/10.34096/riice.n37.3450
Dossier: Tecnología educativa