Inclusion of blind students in the common secondary level of state of the City of Buenos Aires

  • Egle Ilva Pitton
  • Fabiana Demarco
Keywords: inclusive education, blind students, common school, special education, support settings


This article presents the preliminary analysis of a case study which suggests to investigate the relationship between Common Education and Special Education in relation to institutional conditions and pedagogical practices that favour the inclusion of blind students in the common school. These analyzes are part of a study that is developed from the Research area of the Unit for Integral Evaluation of Educational Quality and Equity, Ministry of Education, GCBA.It aims to understand in what respects the rules and policies that adhere to the current paradigm of school inclusion affect the daily practices of educational institutions, as well as their teacher’s and the lives of children and adolescents with disability attending today common State institutions of the city of Buenos Aires. It particularly seeks to understand in which ways the teaching of specific contents could become a structuring axis to the support configuration, which involves both the integrating teacher and the “regular” teachers of a “common” secondary school.


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How to Cite
Pitton, E. I., & Demarco, F. (2020). Inclusion of blind students in the common secondary level of state of the City of Buenos Aires. Revista Del IICE, (47), 151-168.
Dossier: La educación secundaria frente a los desafíos de la obligatoriedad II