ARQUEOLOGÍA publishes seven (7) types of manuscripts with and without refereeing. The first two (2) include refereed papers (Articles and Reports) that will be reviewed by the Editorial Team and, subsequently, submitted to external arbitration (see Editorial Process). The remaining five (5) types include non-refereed papers (Undergraduate Theses Summaries, PhD Dissertations Summaries, Bibliographical Reviews, Debates and Obituaries) which will be reviewed in their entirety by the Editorial Team (see Editorial Process). The general characteristics of each of these contents are described below.

1.1. Refereed papers

1.1.1. Articles: Should be between 7,000 and 11,000 words, including text and bibliography (word count does not include Tables, Figures or list of headings). Manuscripts may present a maximum of up to ten (10) Tables or Figures. The bibliography should not exceed 25% of the manuscript. The structure and specific guidelines that should be followed by this type of texts are further detailed in 2. Manuscript Submission.

1.1.2. Reports: Should be between 4,000 and 7,000 words, including text and bibliography (word count does not include Tables, Figures or list of headings). Manuscripts may contain a maximum of five (5) Tables or Figures. The bibliography should not exceed 25% of the manuscript. The structure and specific guidelines that must be followed by this type of texts are detailed in 2. Manuscript Submission.

1.2. Non-refereed papers

1.2.1. Undergraduate Theses Summaries: ARQUEOLOGÍA will only publish Undergraduate Theses Summaries in archaeology from the Universidad de Buenos Aires, which have been duly evaluated and approved by expert juries convened by that institution. This type of manuscript should not exceed 2,500 words and may contain a maximum of two (2) Tables or Figures. In addition, contributions should include the following information in their content: a) Title of the thesis or dissertation; b) Date of defense (day, month and year); c) Name of the director and co-director; d) Name of the members of the jury; e) Mention of geographic area, chronological framework, material analyzed, theoretical and methodological framework, research objectives, results obtained and conclusions or final considerations.

1.2.2. PhD Dissertations Summaries: ARQUEOLOGÍA will only publish PhD Dissertations Summaries in archaeology from the Universidad de Buenos Aires, which have been duly evaluated and approved by expert juries convened by that institution. This type of manuscript should not exceed 2,500 words and may contain a maximum of two (2) Tables or Figures. In addition, contributions should include the following information in their content: a) Title of the thesis or dissertation; b) Date of defense (day, month and year); c) Name of the director and co-director; d) Name of the members of the jury; e) Mention of geographic area, chronological framework, material analyzed, theoretical and methodological framework, research objectives, results obtained and conclusions or final considerations.

1.2.3. Bibliographic reviews: This type of manuscript should not exceed 2,500 words. These are short texts consisting of a summary and critical analysis of a recent scientific publication, which may include books, periodicals and proceedings of scientific meetings.

1.2.4. Debates: This type of manuscript should not exceed 5,000 words. These are academic discussions or comments on papers already published in ARCHAEOLOGY. They admit the right to reply by the author of the original work. For this reason, both the critical commentary and its respective response will be published together. The Editorial Team may select one article per issue to be commented by two or more specialists in the subject, with the prior acceptance of the author and according to the characteristics established for the Critical Comments, in order to encourage the discussion of ideas in our discipline.

1.2.5. Obituaries: These contributions will be requested by the Editorial Team from members of the scientific community.