ARQUEOLOGÍA adheres to the guidelines established by the Committee of Publication Ethics (COPE). In compliance with this code, the journal is committed to ensure an adequate response to the needs of readers, authors and reviewers, ensuring the quality of published manuscripts, respecting their content and protecting their integrity.


ARQUEOLOGÍA's main objective is to publish original scientific manuscripts, written by those who declare their authorship, and unpublished, i.e., that have not been previously published in any print or electronic media. In this way, the journal declares its commitment to the respect and integrity of already published works. For this reason, plagiarism is strictly prohibited and texts that are identified as plagiarized or whose content is fraudulent will be automatically eliminated from the evaluation process and will not be published. In case of confirmation of plagiarism or any other type of misconduct in already published works, they will be removed from the online edition of the journal and an explanatory note will be published explaining the circumstances of their elimination, acting as quickly as possible.

In order to respond to all aspects of bad practices in scientific publication (e.g. omission of authorship, fragmentation of results or salami slicing, simultaneous submission, duplicate publication, plagiarism, self-plagiarism), the journal implements the following specific procedure for their detection:

  • When submitting a manuscript, each and every author must attach the signed "Terms and Conditions Form" (Download). By means of this document, with the character of an Affidavit, the authors commit themselves to guarantee that their work is original, does not infringe copyright and does not incur in misconduct in scientific research.
  • During the formal and editorial review stage (see Editorial Process), manuscripts received are reviewed using Plag software to detect possible similarities with other pre-existing contents, in order to corroborate the originality of the manuscripts and avoid practices related to plagiarism. In case of receiving unfavorable reports, the author will be informed of the results and will be granted the right to reply. The final decision of the Editorial Team will be subject to this instance.
  • During the peer review process, peer reviewers are also asked to pay attention to possible indicators of malpractice, as they have the most detailed knowledge of the sources and literature on the subject.


In accordance with the parameters established in the code of ethics and good practices proposed by the Committee of Publication Ethics (COPE), the editors declare to guarantee an adequate response to the needs of readers, authors and evaluators, ensuring the quality of the manuscripts published, respecting their content and protecting their integrity. Likewise, the Editorial Team undertakes to publish all corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when necessary.

In order to comply with these good practices, the Editorial Team ensures that refereed manuscripts will be reviewed by external and anonymous expert reviewers, whose opinions should be based on the following criteria: scientific relevance, originality, clarity and pertinence. The journal guarantees at all times the confidentiality of the evaluation process, the anonymity of the reviewers and their opinions.

The Editorial Team will also be in charge of the formal and stylistic review of all manuscripts, the follow-up of evaluations and the integral management of the entire editorial process. In this way, the editors will ensure that the contents comply with the editorial standards, that all the requested documentation is submitted and that the established deadlines are met.

Based on the above-mentioned considerations, the Editorial Team will be in charge of making the final decision on the publication of the papers, reserving the right to reject the following cases:

  • Manuscripts that do not fit the subject matter and/or the profile of the journal.
  • Manuscripts that have been submitted after the established deadlines or present incomplete documentation.
  • Manuscripts that have been previously published or are under consideration for another publication.
  • Manuscripts that have incurred in ethical problems in scientific research, including the existence of conflicts of interest, plagiarism and/or use of fraudulent data.
  • Manuscripts that do not strictly comply with the editorial guidelines of the journal.
  • Manuscripts that do not contemplate the modifications suggested by reviewers and/or editors.


By signing the "Terms and Conditions Form" (Download), each and every author declares to be aware of and agree with the Editorial Guidelines of the journal ARQUEOLOGÍA. In this way, they undertake to guarantee that their manuscripts are original, do not infringe copyright and do not incur in misconduct in scientific research. Likewise, in case of being summoned by the Editorial Team, the authors assume the commitment to act as external evaluators within 2 (two) years after sending their manuscript, regardless of whether or not it has been accepted for publication.

On the other hand, the journal ARQUEOLOGÍA establishes that the frequency of publication per author should follow the following criteria:

  • Authors may not publish in two consecutive volumes, and must wait at least one (1) year after their manuscript has been accepted before submitting a new one.
  • Each author may publish a maximum of 2 (two) manuscripts in the same volume, only in one of the following ways: a) submitting an individual paper and another in co-authorship or b) submitting 2 (two) papers in co-authorship, but with different authorship order. Two individual papers by the same author will not be accepted in the same volume.

In the case of papers written entirely in English, authors should ensure that the quality of the writing is acceptable. If there are substantial observations about the grammatical and stylistic suitability of manuscripts written in English, corrections and translations should be made by a professional, and the authors should pay the corresponding fees. The Editorial Team will request the delivery of a certified translation certificate (see Editorial Process).

During the evaluation process or external arbitration, authors are free to withdraw their manuscripts. This situation should be notified in a timely manner to the Editorial Team through the journal's official e-mail ( Likewise, during the manuscript evaluation process, authors may add or remove authors, as long as this situation is formally notified to the Editorial Team, with due justification of the case, and the corresponding note of conformity signed by the author in question is attached. However, once the manuscripts have been accepted for publication by the editors (see Editorial Process), they cannot be withdrawn from the journal and no new changes can be made in the authorial composition.

Once the papers have been accepted and edited, the authors will be asked to send by e-mail the "First publication rights assignment" form (see Editorial Process). This document must be signed by each and every one of the authors in order for the manuscript to be published. It is worth mentioning that by publishing in the journal ARQUEOLOGÍA the authors retain the copyright on their writings and assign to the journal only the right of first publication, with the work registered under a Creative Commons 4.0 International (CC-BY-NC-SA) attribution license. This type of license allows authors to enter into separate and additional contractual agreements for the non-exclusive distribution of the version of the article published in this journal, provided that it is clearly indicated that the work was first published in the journal ARQUEOLOGÍA (see Open Access Policy).

On the other hand, we inform that, although authors do not have to pay to publish in ARQUEOLOGÍA, they will not receive any payment for publishing their manuscripts. Once the papers have been published, they will be available in open access through the ARQUEOLOGÍA journal Portal (see Open Access Policy).

Finally, authors are reminded that any questions or comments regarding the journal ARQUEOLOGÍA or the status of manuscripts submitted should be sent exclusively to the official e-mail address (

In view of the aforementioned considerations, it is established that the authors are solely responsible for the content of their papers, the format in which they are submitted, and their compliance with the established deadlines. Therefore, the authors have the responsibility to:

  • Adapt their manuscripts to the format and style guidelines stipulated in the Guidelines for Authors.
  • Ensure the quality of the English text in your manuscripts, including the title, abstract and keywords, or the entire text in the case of manuscripts written entirely in a foreign language.
  • Ensure the accuracy of the data contained in the manuscripts.
  • Guarantee the correct attribution of citations and bibliographical references.
  • Guarantee that they have the proper authorization to reproduce and publish the graphic material used.
  • Guarantee that the manuscripts are original and unpublished and, therefore, have not been previously published or are not under consideration for publication in another journal.
  • Correctly state their institutional affiliation, in accordance with the current regulations of the institution to which they belong.
  • Make and respond to all modifications suggested by reviewers and/or editors.
  • Send all requested documentation within the deadlines established by the Editorial Team.
  • Respond in a timely manner to queries and requests from the Editorial Team regarding the manuscript submitted.


The Editorial Team thanks in advance the collaboration of external referees for their contribution to the maintenance of a high academic level in the publications of the journal ARQUEOLOGÍA.

The reviewers will be previously selected by the editors, according to their scientific level and thematic affinity with the manuscript to be evaluated. Those professionals who accept to perform an external arbitration for the journal will do it voluntarily and ad honorem. The Editorial Team will not pay any fee for this activity.

The journal guarantees at all times the confidentiality and absolute anonymity of the identity of the reviewers who participate in the refereeing process. In the event that reviewers wish to be included in the list of external referees for the corresponding issue, they should explicitly inform the Editorial Team.

In accordance with the recommendations made by the Committee of Publication Ethics (COPE), evaluations should be carried out on the basis of the following criteria: scientific relevance, originality, clarity and pertinence. Thus, the evaluators may suggest the modifications they consider significant and pertinent, related to the content, structure, objectives, methodology, results, interpretations and/or bibliographic references. They should: a) be based on criteria defined in the corresponding evaluation form; b) be objective and respectful of dissent; and c) promote critical construction and exchange to guide and improve the manuscripts (see Editorial Process).

The evaluation opinions will be based on an specific form that will be provided in due time by the Editorial Team. Reviewers must fill out the form correctly and, if necessary, may attach comments to the text of the manuscript using the "change control" or "insert comments" options in MS Word. Opinions and comments can only be submitted in DOC or DOCX extension files and in no case will be accepted in PDF format.

In case of conflicts of interest, reviewers should excuse themselves from participating as referees of the journal, informing the Editorial Team of this situation in a timely manner. It should also be noted that manuscripts that are in the process of evaluation may not be cited under any circumstances. The information mentioned in them cannot be used in any way until they have been accepted for publication.

In order to comply with editorial deadlines, reviewers should submit their opinions to the Editorial Team within one month of receiving the manuscript to be reviewed. If for any reason the reviewers are unable to meet the proposed deadline, they should notify the editors as soon as possible. In such cases, the Editorial Team reserves the right to send the manuscript to a new reviewer in order to avoid further delays in the editorial process.

Any type of communication or consultation regarding the evaluations and opinions should be sent to the journal's official mailing address. In no case may the opinions be sent directly to the authors.

In view of the above considerations, it is established that the reviewers are solely responsible for the content of their evaluation reports, for the format in which they are delivered, and for compliance with the established deadlines. Therefore, reviewers have the responsibility to:

  • Excusing themselves from participating in the arbitration in the event of a conflict of interest.
  • To make their opinions following ethical and academic criteria.
  • Notify the editors if they wish to appear on the list of external referees for the corresponding issue of the journal.
  • Correctly state their institutional affiliation, in accordance with the current regulations of the institution to which they belong.
  • Send their opinions within the established deadlines.
  • Respond in due time and form to queries and requests from the Editorial Team regarding the manuscript evaluated.