Reconstructing Lima La Vieja: Form and Function of an evanescent Inca site in the Pisco valley, Southern Coast of Peru

  • José Román Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne. 12, Place du Panthéon (CP 75231), Paris, France. E-mail:
  • Henry Tantaleán Escuela Profesional de Arqueología, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM). Avenida Universitaria s/n (CP 15081), Lima, Perú. E-mail:
  • Carito Tavera Medina Departament d’Història i Arqueologia, Universitat de Barcelona. Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes 585, L’Eixample, (CP 08007), Barcelona, España. E-mail:
  • Charles Stanish University of South Florida. 4202 E. Fowler Avenue, Tampa (CP 33620), Florida, USA. E-mail:
Keywords: Inca administrative center, Qhapaq Ñan, Late Horizon, Architecture, Tacaraca A style


Lima La Vieja is an archaeological site on the verge of disappearing. Although it has been the subject of some archaeological and historical studies throughout the twentieth century and its architecture and function make it stand out within Inca settlements, the site has been gradually being dismantled over the decades of the later 20th and 21st centuries. Lima La Vieja is very important within the larger system of the Inca state in this region. It likewise was one of the first Spanish settlements to be founded in the sixteenth century in Pisco and the south of Peru. Our article reconstructs the site of Lima la Vieja using unpublished information and using new methodologies, with the goal of contextualizing the site within the historical and archaeological record of the Pisco valley, especially during the Late Horizon.


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How to Cite
Román, J., Tantaleán, H., Tavera Medina, C., & Stanish, C. (2024). Reconstructing Lima La Vieja: Form and Function of an evanescent Inca site in the Pisco valley, Southern Coast of Peru. Arqueología, 30(2), 13058.