The chronology of Yocavil Valley. Scales, data and results

  • Catriel Greco
Keywords: Chronology, Northwestern Argentina, Ceramic styles, Settlement patterns, Radiocarbon


We present a review of the available chronological information in the Santa María or Yocavil valley and surrounding areas (provinces of Salta, Catamarca and Tucumán, Argentina). The discussion involves long duration processes of the entire history of the agro-pastoralist societies. The study focused on two basic scales of analysis: first at the locality level, the village of Rincon Chico with 42 radiocarbon dates. On the other hand, a regional scale that includes the entire basin of the Santa María River. The 182 radiocarbon dates collected in the literature were organized in a database. After hierarchically organizingthe information in terms of its reliability, temporal trends in pottery classes and settlement patterns are examined using bayesian statistical modeling. The integrated sequence of different variables enables the construction of a periodization, defining four periods, including two long duration and two conjunctural processes, with some temporal overlap because they did not occur uniformly in all scales.


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How to Cite
Greco, C. (1). The chronology of Yocavil Valley. Scales, data and results. Arqueología, 20(3), 217-240.