Archaeological research on late communities in Guandacol Valley (Felipe Varela department, western La Rioja): Space, technological pottery styles and chronology

  • M. Lourdes Iniesta
  • J. Roberto Bárcena
Keywords: Guandacol valley, Population dynamics, Technological pottery styles, Chronology, Marginal section of Argentinean Northwest


In this paper we focus on the population dynamics of the communities that inhabited the western re-gion of La Rioja province during the Regional Developments Period, according to the results obtained from the surveys carried out in diverse ecological units from Guandacol valley, western La Rioja. Likewise, we discuss chronological periods based on absolute and relative dating. From a landscape perspective, we focus our interest on the settlement patterns and we recognizespatial and temporal dispersion of technological pottery styles identified for the area. The results lead us to look over some aspects related to the occupation of the territories and the chronological framework for the Late Period in a place that is considered as a “marginal” and “peripheral” area of the ArgentineanNorthwestlargest clustered defensive sites.


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How to Cite
Iniesta, M. L., & Bárcena, J. R. (1). Archaeological research on late communities in Guandacol Valley (Felipe Varela department, western La Rioja): Space, technological pottery styles and chronology. Arqueología, 20(3), 39-60.